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The HAWC database is a PostgreSQL database. See diagrams for individual apps withing the larger HAWC project.

Literature screening schema

HAWC literature data schema

Study and literature schema. The image is very large; please save/or open in another tab.

Study and risk of bias schema

HAWC study data schema

Study and risk-of bias schema. The image is very large; please save/or open in another tab.

Animal bioassay schema

HAWC animal bioassay data schema

Animal bioassay schema. The image is very large; please save/or open in another tab.

HAWC BMD data schema

BMD schema. The image is very large; please save/or open in another tab.

Epidemiology schema

HAWC epidemiology v2 data schema

Epidemiology v2 schema. The image is very large; please save/or open in another tab.

HAWC epidemiology data schema

Epidemiology schema. The image is very large; please save/or open in another tab.

HAWC epi meta analysis data schema

Epidemiology meta-analysis schema. The image is very large; please save/or open in another tab.

Ecology schema

HAWC ecological data schema

Ecology schema. The image is very large; please save/or open in another tab.

In-vitro data schema

HAWC invitro data schema

*In vitro* data schema. The image is very large; please save/or open in another tab.

Vocabulary schema

HAWC controlled vocabulary schema

Controlled vocabulary + ontology mapping data schema. The image is very large; please save/or open in another tab.

Summary schema

HAWC summary data schema

Summary data schema. The image is very large; please save/or open in another tab.

Schema figure generation

To generate these database schema diagrams:

conda install graphviz
pip install -U pydot
manage graph_models -g --pydot -o ./docs/docs/static/img/hawc-schema-lit.png lit study
manage graph_models -g --pydot -o ./docs/docs/static/img/hawc-schema-study.png study riskofbias
manage graph_models -g --pydot -o ./docs/docs/static/img/hawc-schema-animal.png animal
manage graph_models -g --pydot -o ./docs/docs/static/img/hawc-schema-bmd.png bmd
manage graph_models -g --pydot -o ./docs/docs/static/img/hawc-schema-epi.png epi
manage graph_models -g --pydot -o ./docs/docs/static/img/hawc-schema-epiv2.png epiv2
manage graph_models -g --pydot -o ./docs/docs/static/img/hawc-schema-epimeta.png epimeta
manage graph_models -g --pydot -o ./docs/docs/static/img/hawc-schema-eco.png eco
manage graph_models -g --pydot -o ./docs/docs/static/img/hawc-schema-invitro.png invitro
manage graph_models -g --pydot -o ./docs/docs/static/img/hawc-schema-vocab.png vocab
manage graph_models -g --pydot -o ./docs/docs/static/img/hawc-schema-summary.png summary