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Clients and APIs

The development team maintains a number of clients and APIs that are used for development and for some user interfaces for the application. The same rules for authentication and authorization are in place to access data from HAWC assessments programmatically using the API or clients. Access for assessments can only be modified using the HAWC website; they cannot be changed via the client or API at this time.

Python HAWC client

A HAWC client has been developed and is the recommended approach to programmatically add or fetch content from a HAWC instance. To install the client (requires Python ≥ 3.9):

python -m pip install -U hawc-client

Using a notebook or python shell:

from getpass import getpass
from hawc_client import HawcClient

client = HawcClient("")

# Authentication is deployment specific. If the hawc deployment stores and manages user
# accounts directly, then you can login via the HAWC API to authenticate:
client.authenticate(email="", password=getpass())

# For other deployments which use external authentication, a user should login via the browser
# as a normal user, and then view the token on their user profile:

# get all references for an assessment

An interactive client also exists which downloads figures or visualizations:

from getpass import getpass
from hawc_client import HawcClient

client = HawcClient("")
client.set_authentication_token(getpass(), login=True)  # must set login to True

with client.interactive(headless=False) as iclient:
    iclient.download_visual(123, 'visual.png')
    iclient.download_data_pivot(456, 'data-pivot.png')

There are many more commands available in the HAWC client that aren't documented here. It is recommended to use an interactive terminal session using a jupyter notebook to browse the available methods and their docstrings for more details.


Client tutorials for common operations are below:


2024-1 (February 2024)

  • Add new interactive client for downloading visual and data pivots images
  • Updated study evaluation/risk of bias APIs
  • Add APIs to modify EffectTags, commonly used in animal and epi models
  • Add APIs to modify epiv2 models
  • Add APIs to modify Visuals and Data Pivots
  • Add APIs to modify Assessments, Assessment Values, and Assessment Details

2023-2 (April 2023)

  • Add new login parameter to client.set_authentication_token, and returns boolean instead of a dict.
    • If login is False (default), a token based API session is created. This is consistent with previous behavior.
    • If login is True, a django cookie-based session is set instead of a token-based API session. This may be used if using the client to browse the website, however CSRF tokens will be required for API and form requests.
  • Added client.lit.reference_user_tags - retrieves all user tag for all references for an assessment.

2023-1 (January 2023)

  • Added client.riskofbias.compare_metrics - align metrics when copying across assessments via fuzzy text matching
  • Added client.summary.datapivot_list - retrieve all data pivots for an assessment
  • Added client.summary.table_list - retrieve all tables for an assessment

2022-7 (July 2022)

  • Added to return dataframe of studies for an assessment
  • Added new parameter, invert, to the client.animal.endpoints
    • When invert is False (default), returns a list of endpoints with parent data nested
    • When invert is True, returns a list of studies, with child data nested
  • Added client.riskofbias.metrics to return a dataframe of metrics for an assessment
  • Added to return a list of reviews for an assessment

API access

Authenticated users can access HAWC REST APIs; below is an example script for use:

import requests

session = requests.Session()
login =
    json={"username": "", "password": "keep-it-hidden"}

if login.status_code == 200:
    session.headers.update(Authorization=f"Token {login.json()['token']}")
    raise EnvironmentError("Authentication failed")
